Vintage Ice Cream Scoop Identification and Value Guide

Available in numerous styles—from valuable shape-molding scoops to the classic and distinctive lever action models—vintage ice cream scoops make wonderful additions to any kitchen. However, irrespective of the style you are interested in, understanding the value of old ice cream scoops can help you ensure the seller is not overcharging you.

In the vintage kitchen gear market, you can get a good antique scoop for as little as $50 to as high as $7,000. This cost varies depending on factors like rarity, demand, and the condition of the scoop.

Our goal with this detailed guide is to show you how to accurately estimate the value of an antique ice cream scoop. We will go a step further to show you how to identify the different types of vintage antique scoops that have existed through the years.

Tips on How to Identify Vintage Ice Cream Scoops

1. Identify the Scoops Category

Ice cream has been an important summer season delicacy for hundreds of years. However, soda fountains only started serving ice cream sundaes between the late 19th century and the early 20th century. To serve the ice cream, the sundaes required a utensil that could make the process of scooping the frosty delicacy and putting it in dishes easier.

Inventors arose to address the problem, and within a short period, a large number of unique ways of serving ice cream had been developed. In the United States, for example, the US Patent and Trademark Office issued an estimated 241 patents for ice cream scoops between the years 1878 and 1940.

To identify the vintage ice cream scoops, you will need a clear view of the major categories into which these ice cream scoops fit:

Conical Key Ice Cream Scoops

Conical Key Ice Cream Scoops
Source: worthpoint

Before the invention of the vintage ice cream scoop, people working at the soda fountains used 2 ladles or spoons to scoop their ice cream and transfer it to the dish. While this process seemed to work, it was extremely messy and resulted in a lot of products being wasted.

In 1876, however, George William Clewell came to the rescue of the soda fountain employees when he invented the very first ice cream scooping device. This was the first single utensil that would scoop and transfer the ice cream to the dish.

Clewell’s scoop boasted a key at the end of its cone that could be turned to move a scrap on the cone’s interior, which would then release the scooped ice cream into a dish. Some of the manufacturers involved in the production of Clewell’s scoop included Clad Metal, Erie Specialty Company, Williamson, and Gilchrist.

Vintage Lever-Action Scoops

Vintage Lever-Action Scoops
Source: blackpast

While Clewell’s cone-shaped scoop was extremely effective when it came to dishing ice cream, it had several limitations. To begin with, the person serving the ice cream had to put both hands to use when operating the tool. This made it impossible for them to operate the tool and at the same time hold the dish or ice cream cone.

The second limitation came in when the refrigeration technology improved. The design by Clewell was not going to work with harder ice cream coming out of the modern freezers.

About 21 years after Clewell’s invention, in 1897, Alfred L. Cralle solved these issues when he patented what was known as the lever action scoop. Cralle’s initial invention featured a cone-shaped scoop and a mechanical lever that helped with the removal of the ice cream. Cralle, however, also invented a second similar tool that had a hemispherical scoop.

Most of the early lever-action scoops feature a wooden handle, which may or may not feature painting. Some of the manufacturers that produced this style of scoop included Dove Manufacturing, Gilchrist, New Gem, and Peerless.

Shape Molding Scoops

Shape Molding Scoops
Source: pinterest

While the hemispherical and conical ice cream scoops were perfect for a dish or cone, some scoops created shapes that were ideal for a variety of situations. Today, these shaped ice cream scoops are some of the most valuable in the vintage scoop market.

The most common shape molding scoops include the following:

  • Rectangular and square scoops– These were useful in the creation of frozen portions of ice cream sandwiches. The common brand names creating the square & rectangular ice cream scoops include Jiffy and Lauber.
  • Triangular vintage ice cream scoops– These created the ideal shape for topping a pie slice. The notable brand name you may come across is Gardena & Olafson.
  • Heart-shaped vintage ice cream scoop– This is one of the most popular vintage ice cream scoops. This was useful in the creation of a heart-shaped ice cream that would be served in a dish shaped like a heart.

2. Analyze the Scoops Patent Number

If you are planning on buying a vintage ice cream scoop, you should go beyond just analyzing the category in which it fits. After identifying the category, the next step you will need to take is to look into the antique’s patent number.

A large number of vintage ice cream scoops had their patent number stamped on them. You can find the patent numbers sitting on the back of the bowls, on the levers, or on the handle.

If the scoop you intend to purchase has a patent number, your next step should be to verify that this patent number is genuine. Just visit the United States Patent and Trademark Office Website and enter the number. This should help you confirm whether the design matches the patent number.

3. Check the Scoop’s Construction

The earliest conical versions of the scoop were generally manufactured using tin and their handles were riveted or soldered to the bowls or cones. The construction will be good since the materials are durable.

However, a genuine vintage or antique ice cream scoop should show signs of age. Therefore, if your piece does not show any signs of use, it may not fit in the vintage category.

4. Work with a Professional Appraiser

If your goal is to purchase an expensive shape molding scoop, working with a professional appraiser should help you determine the correct antique ice cream scoop value.

Since these types of scoops have a high demand and they are worth a lot of money, they tend to be targeted for modern fakes. A professional appraiser with enough experience in vintage ice cream scoops can help you separate the real ones from the fakes.

Tips on How to Determine Vintage and Antique Ice Cream Scoop Value

Several factors affect the vintage and antique ice cream scoop value. In the following section, we will take a deeper look at these factors:


Vintage and antique ice cream scoops were made using durable materials. The materials used in the early 1990s and the late 19th century are not easily damaged. This means that some of the oldest pieces will be in good condition today—however, that is at a first look.

Remember, what matters is whether the mechanism is working. Check the level functionality to ensure it is still working—if it is not working, this could lower the value of the scoop significantly. Also, be sure to pay attention to the wooden handle—wood deteriorates with time and may reduce the value of the scoop.


In most cases, the vintage and antique ice cream scoop value increases with age. Therefore, the older scoops will be more valuable than the newer scoops.

However, when checking the scoops, do not forget to look at the mechanical function. If a vintage ice cream scoop is old but its mechanism is not working, it may be less valuable than a newer scoop with a working mechanism.

Scoop Style

The conical key scoop developed in 1876 by George William Clewell will be less costly than the more functional shape molding scoops. On average, the George William Clewell scoop has prices starting at around $30.

On the other hand, square and rectangular scoops can cost you as much as $175. Triangular scoops can be worth $1,250 to $2,500 at auctions while the heart-shaped versions can cost as much as $7,000.  


Some vintage ice cream scoops are rarer than others. For example, heart-shaped scoops are extremely rare compared to conical key scoops. This makes all the difference—the more common conical key scoop can be purchased for only $30 while the rare option can have a price as high as $7,000.


The number of people looking to buy a specific piece also affects the overall price. For example, if a piece is rare and no one is expressing interest in it, its value will go down.

However, a piece with high demand will always have a higher value. In most cases, the scoops that can create special shapes tend to have a higher demand—this often translates into a higher value for the antique ice cream scoops.

Top 10 Most Valuable Ice Cream Scoops

Price (USD)
Mosteller Antique Ice Cream Scoop
Erie Specialty Co. Antique Ice Cream Scoop
Kingery Manufacturing Co. Canonical Squeeze Scoop
Sandwich Square Ice Cream Scoop
Dover #12 Nickel Plated Ice Cream Scoop
Turn-Key Conical Ice Cream Scoop
Yellow Handle Ice Cream Scoop
Gilchrist Ice Cream Scoop
Antique Gilchrist Ice Scream Scoop Dipper
Flint Vintage Ice Cream Scoop

1. Mosteller Antique Ice Cream Scoop

Mosteller Antique Ice Cream Scoop
Source: ebay

One of the most valuable vintage ice cream scoops, this Mosteller Antique Ice Cream Scoop boasts a lever-action mode of operation. Boasting a wooden handle and a semi-spherical ice cream scooping section, this piece was first produced between the late 19th century and the early 20th century.

According to the seller, this piece boasts a perfectly working mechanism and can be fully operated using one hand to scoop and dispense the ice cream. Currently listed on eBay, this scoop will set you back $719.99. interestingly, this piece has already attracted the interest of 49 buyers.

2. Erie Specialty Co. Antique Ice Cream Scoop

Erie Specialty Co. Antique Ice Cream Scoop
Source: ebay

Manufactured between 1900 and 1919, this piece has been around for more than 100 years. This is one of the antique ice cream scoops we have on this list produced by Erie Specialty Co.

The scoop boasts silver and brass as its manufacturing materials and has maple wood as its handle. To get this piece that serves a total of 6 scoops to a quart, you will need to spend $189. This piece already has 9 people competing for it.

3. Kingery Manufacturing Co. Canonical Squeeze Scoop

Kingery Manufacturing Co. Canonical Squeeze Scoop
Source: ebay

Dating back to the late 1800s, this is one of the oldest antique ice cream scoops we came across. Produced by Kingery Manufact Co., this piece boasts a special design where one has to press two handles to release the ice cream into a dish.

Currently, in good working order and only showing minor signs of wear, the piece is listed for sale on eBay. To acquire this piece, you will need to spend a total of $169.99.

4. Sandwich Square Ice Cream Scoop

Sandwich Square Ice Cream Scoop
Source: ebay

A specialized ice cream shaping scoop, this vintage piece produces square ice cream for making sandwiches. The seller notes that all signs indicate the antique ice cream scoop was manufactured around 1920.

Today, this vintage ice cream scoop is still in good working order and is cleaned and polished. Currently listed on eBay for $149.95, this piece already has 26 people competing for it.

5. Dover #12 Nickel Plated Ice Cream Scoop

Dover #12 Nickel Plated Ice Cream Scoop
Source: ebay

Produced in the 1920s, this piece has Dover NH as the manufacturer. The vintage ice cream scoop operates manually, boasting a perfect springless operation even after 100 years of use.

The seller notes that the piece does not have any dents, although it has a few surface marks on its bowl. Currently, on sale on eBay, the piece is listed for $99.95.

6. Turn-Key Conical Ice Cream Scoop

Turn-Key Conical Ice Cream Scoop
Source: ebay

Utilizing the first design that introduced ice cream scoops, this Turn-Key Conical Ice Cream Scoop was manufactured between 1850 and 1899.

Currently listed on eBay for $97.50, the seller notes that the buyer will get a total of 4 antique scoops for this price. The pieces are in good working order. They are only showing minimal signs of wear.

7. Yellow Handle Ice Cream Scoop

Yellow Handle Ice Cream Scoop
Source: ebay

Boasting a lever-action working mechanism, this piece has a special design that separates it from the other similar items on this list. To begin with, the vintage ice cream scoop handle is painted yellow.

Boasting a semi-spherical design, this piece also has a differently positioned lever. Currently, on sale on eBay, you can get this piece for $63.99.

8. Gilchrist Ice Cream Scoop

Gilchrist Ice Cream Scoop
Source: ebay

Manufactured by Gilchrist, this set boasts a total of 4 vintage ice cream scoops. These pieces were manufactured between the 1930s and the 1950s.

The seller notes that all the scoops are in perfect working order. However, the piece does show some signs of wear and tear—for example, one of them has a cracked handle. Currently listed on eBay, you can get the 4 ice cream scoops for only $60.

9. Antique Gilchrist Ice Scream Scoop Dipper

Antique Gilchrist Ice Scream Scoop Dipper
Source: ebay

Another piece manufactured by Gilchrist; this antique ice cream scoop was manufactured in the early 1900s. This model 30 boasts a length of 9.75 inches and a width of 2 inches.

According to the seller, this piece is still in perfect working order—all you will need to do is squeeze the outer bars to expel the ice cream. Currently listed on eBay, you can get this vintage ice cream scoop for $55.

10. Flint Vintage Ice Cream Scoop

Flint Vintage Ice Cream Scoop
Source: ebay

A rare vintage ice cream scoop, this piece is still in good working condition. The seller notes that the piece does show some signs of cosmetic wear.

The ice cream scoop boasts a black handle that separates it from other vintage pieces whose handles are not painted. Currently listed on eBay, you will need $55 to acquire this piece.


The first ice cream scoop was produced in 1876. After this first piece came into the market, several new designs were produced to adjust to the demands of the market—these included the lever-action and the shape-making scoops.

The good thing about vintage ice cream scoops is that they go beyond functioning as collections—if they are still functional, you can use them in the summer to serve some tasty and relaxing ice cream. Therefore, irrespective of whether you are a seasoned collector or just an ice cream enthusiast, having an ice cream scoop in your house is a good idea.

This article shows you how to identify ice cream scoops and how to value these vintage pieces. We hope we have answered all the questions you had about collecting antique and vintage ice cream scoops. If you have more questions, be sure to leave them in the comment section—we will respond as soon as we see them. 

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